O Canada…

July 1st = time to be patriotic for me. For I am a Canadian, and proud to be one. For my comments on celebrating this holiday, please head over to Butterybakery, my baking blog.

For here, now, I have to tell you that I’ve joined the NaBloPoMo. Isn’t that super fun to say? It stands for National Blog Posting. The rule is that I have to post everyday for one month, without fail, even if I get overtaken by some deadly bout of food poisoning. (knock on wood) Please help me to stick to this goal.

Today’s prompt is favourite (see, I am Canadian) movies. Let me add a couple words on that, since I don’t have any recipes to share today. Just some pictures of something I made a long time ago, and laziness have prevented me from posting it, and so of course I don’t remember what I put in it. I vaguely remember that it was yummy though.

Okay, movies. I love Lion King. No, really. It’s one of my favorites. Of all time. It has everything, I mean, everything. Let’s see, it’s got a great and impossibly cute love story. Lions kissing? Count me in. 😀 It has life lessons, to be brave and strong, and righteous. It teaches kids to forgive, forgive the other kid who took their toy, and forgive the incompetent parents who make the mistake of loving them too much. And it’s a cartoon! I love cartoons! I recently saw Toy Story 3 twice!! If you haven’t seen it, then get yourself to a theatre soon! It’s awesome! I actually got scared, and yes I am all grown up. Plus it’s a cartoon with dust particles that spell the you-know-which-word…I paused the video to check, so it really is there.

Like I said, what more can you want? Don’t be so demanding now.

Happy Canada Day! And go see Toy Story 3!

Oh, one more thing. What are wood ears? It is the black stuff you see in the pictures. No it’s not poisonous, nor stinky, nor slimy. It is however, kind of crunchy and some ares lightly furry. Kind of. Not really. It’s good. Really. You can find them in Asian food stores. They come dried, and you soak them in hot water until they get really big, and now you wish that you hadn’t put so many in the bowl.

One last last thing. It’s a fungus, by the way.

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